Animal Tracker
Redhill Chambers
High Street, Redhill
Surrey. RH1 1RJ.
Tel: 01279 219777

©2025 all rights reserved.
Animal Tracker is a trading name of
PeddyMark Limited.

Animal Tracker registration for dogs.Animal Tracker registration for dogs

Register with Animal Tracker

If you already have an account click here to login.

About You

Please select an option that best describes you from list below.

If you are a licenced breeder, hobby breeder (not licensed), or even if you only have one or two litters of animals which you intend to transfer to new owners, please select "Breeder" from the options below.

Personal Information

We will only use this information for administration purposes, your name will not be displayed on microchip records.

Your date of birth is used only to verify your account.

Contact Information


PLEASE NOTE: You are registering your account under an address outside the UK.

Animal Tracker are a UK DEFRA-compliant database, so our records may not be searched by an authority outside of the UK if your pet were to go missing.

If you choose to keep your registration with Animal Tracker, please also consult your Vet regarding microchip databases in your country of residence.

Only enter YOUR own mobile number as we may use this to contact you to manage your account.
Only enter YOUR own telephone number as we may use this to contact you to manage your account.
Only enter YOUR own telephone number as it will be the first number we'll call if your animal is found.

Login Details

Your password must be between 6 and 30 characters long and can only contain letters, numbers and any of the following special characters !#$&. Your password must contain at least 1 upper case letter, 1 lower case letter and one number.


Implanter Information

Please provide us with your implanter PIN or reference.


Breeder Information

If you are a licensed breeder please enter your licence number and the name of your local authority.

If you are licensed in Scotland by a local authority under the Licensing of Animal Dealers please enter your animal dealing licence number and the name of the issuing local authority.

Back-up Contact

In the event that the 15 digit microchip number of an animal that has been bred by yourselfre-homed by your centre is entered into the Animal Tracker database, or given to a member of the Animal Tracker team by an external party, would you like your information to be displayed even when the microchip registration has been updated to a new keeper?

Local Authority

Please enter the name of your local authority below.


Privacy Options

In the event that my animals 15 digit microchip number is entered into the Animal Tracker database, or given to a member of the Animal Tracker team by an external party, I would like the following information to be displayed / given out in the interest of being reunited with my pet as quickly as possible:

Lost and Found Network

Would you like to receive email alerts of lost pets in your local area to aid reunification?

Marketing Preferences

Please tick the relevant boxes below if you wish to receive promotions and special offers from us and carefully selected third-party companies.

Terms and Conditions

By submitting your information to the Animal Tracker database you confirm that you have read, understand and accept our full terms and conditions and agree to the following statements.

  1. I understand that my personal information will be submitted to and stored in the Animal Tracker Microchip Database, which is a UK compliant microchip database.
  2. I give consent for my personal information to be retained in the Animal Tracker database.
  3. All of the personal information provided by myself for submission to the Animal Tracker database is accurate and only relates to myself.
  4. I am aware that if I provide my mobile telephone number or email address and accept the transfer of an animal, I may receive an SMS text message and/or an email (for each microchip) with a code which may need to be used to complete the transfer.
  5. Animal Tracker and authorised third parties (e.g. Dog Wardens, the Police) may use my personal data for the purposes of reunification, animal welfare and compliance with legislation regarding the microchipping of dogs. For more information please read our privacy policy.
  6. If a keeper wishes to migrate data held by Animal Tracker for themselves and any animals they are registered as the keeper of, to another UK compliant microchip database, Animal Tracker reserves the right to charge an administration fee if the keeper holds a free basic account. This request must come directly from the keeper through a verifiable source, e.g. an email from the email address in the keeper's account.

Security Check

Please note: When you click the button below we will send an email to your email address with a verification code to validate your email address.
