Animal Tracker
Redhill Chambers
High Street, Redhill
Surrey. RH1 1RJ.
Tel: 01279 219777

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Animal Tracker is a trading name of
PeddyMark Limited.

Animal Tracker registration for dogs.Animal Tracker registration for dogs

The Microchipping process - from implanter to breeder to keeper.

Microchipping is a crucial step in ensuring their safety and well-being. It provides a reliable way to identify and reunite lost pets with their keepers.

So, how does the process work?

Step 1: Find a Qualified Implanter

You'll need to find a qualified implanter to get your et microchipped. In most countries, the responsibility of microchipping pets is entrusted to licensed trained implanter professionals and veterinarians. These individuals have the necessary knowledge and expertise to perform the procedure safely.

The Microchipping of Cats and Dogs (England) Regulations 2023 states that no person may implant a microchip in a cat or a dog unless they are a veterinary surgeon or a veterinary nurse acting under the direction of a veterinary surgeon or if they have been satisfactorily assessed on a training course approved by the Secretary of State.

Step 2: Make an Appointment

Once you've identified a qualified implanter, contact them to schedule an appointment. Choosing a reputable and trusted professional is important to ensure your puppy's safety and the accuracy of the microchip placement.

Step 3: The Microchipping Procedure

During the appointment, the qualified implanter will perform the microchipping procedure. Here's what to expect:

Identification: Your puppy will be identified, and the implantation site will be carefully chosen, typically between the shoulder blades.

Sterilisation: The implanter will sterilise the area to reduce the risk of infection.

Microchip Placement: Using a specialised syringe, the implanter will inject a tiny microchip, about the size of a grain of rice, just beneath your pet’s skin. This process is quick and relatively painless, like a routine vaccination.

Confirmation: After implantation, the implanter will confirm that the microchip is in place and functioning correctly using a scanner.

As the breeder, you must be the first registered keeper by law. Login to your account and register a litter. If you’d like to register as a breeder with us, click here. Once registered you must enter the pet’s information and then the new keeper's info, once the pets are sold.

Step 5: The keeper must register the microchip

As a keeper, you must, by law, register the microchip so this can be transferred from the breeder’s account. It's crucial for the keeper to register the microchip with their contact information. This step ensures that if the puppy ever gets lost, the microchip can be scanned, and the keeper can be promptly reunited with them.

Step 6: The keeper must keep their contact information up to date

Keepers must remember to update their contact information with the DEFRA-compliant database if they ever change addresses or phone numbers. Keeping this information current is vital for reuniting them with their puppy in case they go missing.

This tiny device provides peace of mind and a reliable means of identifying your puppy should it ever become lost.